Saturday, September 8, 2012

First Post!

Hey guys,
Courtney here. 

I just graduated from Colorado State University with a Biology/Zoology double major. Meep! 
I am originally from Southern California and have an unnatural obsession with animals (especially horses and dolphins...apparently), Beaker, Japan/Asians, birds, and such. Haha not very relevant... 
Anyway, the main purpose of this blog is an attempt to record my thoughts and expereinces while I'm abroad in Australia/New Zealand because.....

I was accepted to Internship Program for 6 weeks at Cairns Tropical Zoo! What????
Very exciting! :D 

So Cairns is located in the North/Eastern part of Australia right next to the Great Barrier Reef and the Rainforest. (lolperfection).
I'm actually leaving Monday (omgwtfbbq#@$@#$), totally not nervous, totally cool. Bleh
But I am ready to push myself to have an amazing expereince and become.....

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